Nánar um Ostrava

Hér má sjá nánari upplýsingar um æfingabúðirnar í Ostrava. Svara þarf fyrir 15.apríl, á netfangið hildajana@gmail.com, hvort að fólk hyggist ætla í ferðina og þá verður leitað tilboða í flug og það verður síðan til lokakynningar í kjölfarið og þá verða greidd staðfestingargjöld.



Date:               26. 7. – 7.8. 2010 ,    2 courses (6 days each)


                        26.7. - 31.7.2010         I. course

                          2.8. -   7.8.2010        II. course


Place:              SAREZA OSTRAVA-PORUBA (Ice Rink)


Camp leaders

- Camp Manager and Coach:                Stanislav Zidek (CZE)

fax: +420 596 317 708

e-mail: szidek@volny.cz

mobile: +420 603 211 675


- Foreign Coaches and Consultants:      Vladimir DVOJNIKOV  (SVK)


- Camp Guests                         Anastassija Novozhilova and Alexey Zakharin  (RUS)

World Professional Vice-Champions in Ballroom Dances

(Motion training, dances)


-   coaches from Moravian-Silesian region; ballet and gymnastics instructors, keep-fit

   and regeneration instructors

- personal coaches of the participants



Group „A“ (Senior and Top Junior Skaters including Pairs)


Content of the practices       



a)   three-phase practices daily; up to four-phase practices at three specific days

      morning practices: skating technique (all skaters together led by Consultants);

 b)  a remaining time should be used for individual on-ice practices with personal coaches or

      with other chosen coaches

      (these are not included in the course price, coaches have to be arranged for in advance)




Group „B“ (Junior and Novice Skaters)


Content of the practices       



a)   two-phase practices daily, up to three-phase practices at two specific days

      morning practices: skating technique (all skaters together led by Consultants);

 b)  a remaining time should be used for individual on-ice practices with personal coaches or

      with other chosen coaches

      (these are not included in the course price, coaches have to be arranged for in advance)


Group „C“ (Pre-Novice and younger Skaters)


Content of the practices       



a)   two-phase practices daily, up to three-phase practices at one specific day

      morning practices: skating technique (all skaters together led by Consultants);

 b)  a remaining time should be used for individual on-ice practices with personal coaches or

      with other chosen coaches

      (these are not included in the course price, coaches have to be arranged for in advance)



All Groups („A“, „B“, „C“)



OFF-ICE:                    approximately two-phase practices daily:

keep-fit, dance, ballet, gymnastics, regeneration, stretching




REGENERATION:      available within the ice hall (sauna, whirlpool,...)

included in the course price





ACCOMMODATION:           Hotel Sport Club (the hotel is a part of the ice rink)

(Two levels of quality accommodation - limited capacity)

·        level I - twin bed rooms with bathroom, toilet and TV

·        level II – 3 to 5 bed rooms with bathroom and toilet


Because of the limited capacity in the Hotel Sport Club organizer can offer (upon your request) other accommodation possibilities as follows:


                                    1/         Hostel “Domov sester” (aka “Nurse´s Home”)

 Address: 17. listopadu 1790,    CZ 708 52 OSTRAVA-PORUBA

Hostel is situated at University Hospital area in Ostrava-Poruba in walking distance from the Ice Rink (app. 12 min. walk)

·        twin and three bed rooms

(in one home unit with bathroom and toilet)


                                    2/         Hotel Vista

Address: BOSWELL a.s., Kpt.Vajdy 3046/2,

700 30 Ostrava-Zábřeh

There is the direct tram line no. 17 with regular service between the Hotel Vista and Ice Rink. The ride takes 20 to 25 min.

·        different levels of accommodation including Hostel type


                                    3/         School Hostel as a part of Educational Establis

This cheap thus low-level accommodation is situated in walking distance from the Ice Rink (app. 5 to 7 min. walk)


Please keep in mind the prices mentioned in the announcement for accommodation and meals are calculated ONLY for accommodation and meals in the Hotel Sport Club. If the participant would be using different accommodation the prizes for this accommodation and meals will be re-calculated upon his individual order and participant will be informed about the final pricing directly and immediately after the hotel (hostel) confirmed availability of the accommodation.



BOARD:                      Full board, meals served at the Summer School restaurant (at Ice Rink)

(in each courses starting with dinner on Sundays  and ending with

  lunch on Saturdays )



PRICES (HSC means accommodation in Hotel Sport Club):


Group „A“ (Senior and Top Junior Skaters including Pairs)


                                    a)   7 500,-CZK  (app 305,-EUR) / course  (1 week) 

      - including accommodation (HSC level I) and full board


b)   7 200,- CZK (app 295,-EUR) / course  

      - including accommodation (HSC level II) and full board


                                    Group „B“ (Junior and Novice Skaters)


a)   6 600,- CZK (app 270,-EUR) / course   (1 week)

      - including accommodation (HSC level I) and full board


b)   6 300,- CZK (app 260,-EUR) / course  

      - including accommodation (HSC level II) and full board


                                    Group „C“ (Pre-Novice and younger Skaters)


a)   6 300,- CZK (app 260,-EUR) / course    (1 week)

      - including accommodation (HSC level I) and full board


b)   6 000,- CZK (app 245,-EUR) / course  

      - including accommodation (HSC level II) and full board



Please be aware the prices in Euro Currency are valid upon current exchange rate and should be seen as informative. The Organizer accepts  payments in Czech Crown currency (CZK) only  and the final price could vary upon the specific accommodation requests. The final sum for wire transfer will be confirmed by the Organizer in due time.



Participation and Payment Conditions:


a)      Applications must be sent to the above-mentioned e-mail address before May 14, 2010. Each application must include the name and date of birth of the participant, accommodation demands including the level of quality of the hotel room and application for the practice group (“A”, “B” or ”C”).


b)      Payment

 Transfer the due sum before June 30, 2010 to the below mentioned bank account.

All banking charges including wire transfers fees must be paid by the payer!

Potential cancellation fees based on the date of cancellation (5 – 10 %)



Bank Account details for international payments:


IBAN:                          CZ38 0300 0000 0003 7623 3013

SWIFT:                        CEKOCZPP

Bank Name:                ČSOB a.s., Ostrava

                                    CZECH REPUBLIC

Account holder:           Stanislav idek, Zámecká 104 / 8, 733 01 KARVINÁ           




Health Insurance:


All participants of the International Figure Skating Summer Camp (IFSSC) acknowledge that the organizer of the camp is not responsible for any potential injuries.

Each and every IFSSC participant MUST have a health insurance valid for the Czech Republic. All participants are taking part in the IFSSC at their own risk.