Æfingabúðir í Slóvakíu í sumar

Í sumar verða haldnar æfingabúðir í Slóvakíu 4. - 11. júlí sem okkur hefur boðist að taka þátt í. Þessar æfingabúðir eru í boði fyrir alla A og B keppendur og lengra komna C skautara. Þessar æfingabúðir eru með svipuðu sniði og æfingabúðirnar okkar hér heima og mun Iveta ásamt öðrum erlendum þjálfara þjálfa þar. Kostnaður er ekki alveg klár þar sem ekki er vitað hvað flug kostar en æfingabúðirnar ásamt gistingu og fullu fæði eru í kringum 40.000 ISK, við getum reiknað með um 20-30 þús í viðbót fyrir ferðakostnaði. Nú þegar eru nokkrir búnir að sýna áhuga. Helga Margrét yfirþjálfari fer með hópnum ásamt 1-2 foreldrum en öll skipulagning verður gerð í sameiningu milli þeirra sem fara. Þeir sem áhuga hafa á að taka þátt í þessum æfingabúðum í Slóvakíu skulu senda Helgu Margréti yfirþjálfara póst á helgamargretclarke@gmail.com fyrir 1. apríl 2009 því skráning þarf að berast út í apríl. Við viljum samt minna á að æfingabúðirnar "okkar" hér á Akureyri verða líka 4. - 28. ágúst sem og æfingabúðir ÍSS (sjá frétt á undan). Undir "lesa meira" eru frekari upplýsingar varðandi æfingabúðirnar.

4th International Figure Skating Camp Piešťany

Ice rink  Piešťany, Hlboká 92


For figure skaters of all categories from beginners to international level competitors.

Please see our photogallery from IFSC 2007 and 2008 at http://www.tjako.szm.sk/



Head coaches:

On-ice:                                       Iveta Reitmayerová, Vladimir Dvojnikov

Ballet/dance:                           Marina Lisenkova



Director of the camp :

Eva Simančíková

mobil 00421 /0/905 716 259

fax: 00421 /0/33 7621119

e-mail: esimancikova@gmail.com



Price : € 200,-


Program :

- on-ice practice two times a day  /technique with the head coach in the morning, in the afternoon warm up on ice  with the head coach and training in groups with personal coaches/.


- practice in the group of Mrs Reitmayerova and Mr.Dvojnikov for extra payment /please consult with the director of the camp./


- 12 hours for individual lessons


- ballet/dance 2 times a day


- athletics/games


- whirlpool + massages  directly at the ice rink /for extra payment /


- supervision for small children without parents/coaches


- medical care


Student hostel, Brezová 2,Piešťany

 300 m from the ice rink

4-bed rooms rooms, common showers and toillets on the corridor

Full board

Accommodation + full board € 40,- + € 30,- /children under 15 /

                                                                                   € 47,- + € 56,- /adults/

Please book at the director of the camp


Hotel Piešťany,A.Trajana 2, Piešťany

300 m from the ice rink

Full board

Please book directly at the hotel /www.hotelpiestany.sk/


Hotel Máj,Hlboká 49, Piešťany

200 m from the ice rink

Full board, swimming-pool, massages available

Please book directly at the hotel /www.espaline.sk/


Piestany is a small town with world-known spa /www.piestany-spa.sk/.

There are many possibillities for having rest or activities for the whole family.

In the near surroundins of the ice rink  you can enjoy  tennis, squash, bowling,  swimming-pool, fitness, yachting, water-skiing  and golf.





4th International Figure Skating Camp Piešťany




Name:                      ......................................................................................................................


Date of birth:         ......................................................................................................................


Address:                  ......................................................................................................................


Telephone:              ......................................................................................................................


e-mail:                     ......................................................................................................................


Category in 2009/2010                                                                          ...........................................


Accommodation/full board at student hostel                                     yes - no                                              




Filled entry forms please send to the address of the director of the camp

before 30.4.2009

The entry is valid after the receipt of payment on the account Nr.. 6687503006/1111 ,

UniCredit Bank Piešťany

IBAN: SK5511110000006687503006


Cancellation charge 10% before 15.June 2009, 20% after 15.June 2009


The organizer is not responsible for eventual injuries.

The participants are expected to have health insurance valid in Slovak republic.